The Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) Program is a next-generation pilot and aircrew training program for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).

All Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) pilots are currently trained through two contracted programs, managed separately by SkyAlyne’s parent companies.

The Contracted Flying Training and Support  (CFTS) program in Southport, MB, is led by KF Aerospace and the NATO Flying Training in Canada  (NFTC) program in Moose Jaw, SK/Cold Lake, AB, is managed by Montreal-based CAE.

As these programs approach their designated completion dates, the Department of National Defence (DND) has determined the next contracted program will combine all phases of pilot training, together with Air Combat Systems Officer (ACSO) and Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AES Op) training, currently provided by the military in Winnipeg, MB. This combined aircrew training service contract is called the Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) Program, and will be delivered by SkyAlyne.

SkyAlyne’s Truly Canadian Solution for FAcT

In 2018, CAE and KF Aerospace formed SkyAlyne to provide a truly Canadian solution to compete for the Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) Program.

SkyAlyne is one of four pre-qualified suppliers for FAcT, and the only supplier founded and based in Canada.

Aside from the tremendous economic and strategic benefits SkyAlyne would bring to Canada, we have unmatched experience in training Canada’s military pilots and aircrew. Our parent companies CAE and KF Aerospace currently provide all phases of contracted military pilot training and in-service support for the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Our experience and knowledge gained from managing the current programs will be invaluable to making sure FAcT is a success. We provide the lowest transition risk when it comes time to begin phasing in the FAcT program from the current programs.

SkyAlyne also possesses a full range of expertise, innovative learning solutions, and in-house aircraft and facilities support capabilities that will be needed to ensure FAcT is a success.